Thursday, January 23, 2014

God is in Control

I was driving home early this morning and was starting to worry about how I was going to raise enough money to get to Uganda. The shots are expensive, the plane ticket is even more expensive, and then there's the living for seven months to pay for. I'm four months away, how am I going to do this? These thoughts are the worst, I began fighting these doubt's away with my faith in God and knowing that He will take care of it all.
When I walk into my house I see a small package for me, thinking its my passport I rip it open. To my surprise and confusion it wasn't my passport. It was a very generous donation with an anonymous note on a piece of paper wrapped around it. I burst into tears and immediately feel very unworthy and humbled by this. What did I ever do to deserve this wonderful gift? What was so important to someone that I did? I'm sobbing and thanking God, that's all I can do.
Through this letter God took away every doubt left in me and I know that I will get to Uganda because God wants me to, He needs me there. I am so very thankful to this person not only for helping me financially, but spiritually as well by saying 'yes' to God and allowing Him to use him/her. He worked through him/her to cast out all of my doubt and strengthen my faith immensely.
It's not about how 'I' will get there or how 'I' will pay for it. Its not a matter of how deserving or undeserving I am of this task. Its all a God thing. This is completely about God, how He will get me there and how He will use me, everything is in His hands.
"He must increase; I must decrease." John 3:30
Peace Love & Africa

Friday, January 10, 2014

Do not be afraid.

I got my passport ordered, yellow fever shot scheduled, and a fundraising page set up at

As I get closer and closer to leaving the nights with no sleep get longer and longer. Seven months is a long time to leave all I know and my family, I already miss them. Fear is trying to take hold but I trust in the Lord with everything I have that He will guide and protect me. All I do is for Him and He will not lead me astray. "Do not be afraid; just have faith." Mark 5:36 Over and over in the Bible we are told not to be afraid, our faith can move mountains. Through us God can do anything, the more God allows me to surrender myself and trust in Him, the more I truly understand and see how in control He is of my life. No matter what trouble or sickness I run into in Uganda I know that Jesus walks before me, for He concord this world, He concord death. Nothing can truly harm me, nothing can break the love God has for me and I for Him.

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12