Apparently a few weeks ago two very suspicious women came by our compound "looking for their friend". They then began asking where the Mzungu's stay. Our guard made them leave of course.
Also, a few days ago three men came by. Two stayed outside and watched while the other one came in and was asking very silly questions to our guard and clearly lying about everything. Our guard told me people have been spying. So now our compound will be locked at all times with only our guard having a key. He and our landlord our worried for our safety and their own. He told my they are trying to get some "killer" dogs here to help keep us safe. I told him I want to buy a gun.
We have thick cement walls around our compound with coils of sharp wire on top, a giant metal gate that is all locked up, my own apartment having bars like a jail cell on the doors and windows, comforting I know.. I definitely get the "homey" feel when I am in here. At night I lock my outside door with a padlock, where my kitchen is, made of bars. Then the big metal door, which goes into my house.
I am not sure if I should laugh at this crazy situation or be worried. I choose laugh, but be cautious. I do have a bow and arrow that seems pretty lethal. Hopefully I will never have to use it though.
Do not be afraid for I am with you. -Isaiah 41:10

I am not sure if I should laugh at this crazy situation or be worried. I choose laugh, but be cautious. I do have a bow and arrow that seems pretty lethal. Hopefully I will never have to use it though.
Do not be afraid for I am with you. -Isaiah 41:10

Prayers going up for tou , love Morisa Evans