One month ago today I said goodbye to my family and got on the plane. I can't believe its been a whole month and then again it feels like I have been here longer.
I miss my family. I always ask them to send me lots of pictures of anything and everything. Both of my older sisters are very good about doing that! They both have little kids and each gave birth to a baby just a few weeks before I left. Like couldn't you wait?! Haha. I'm am truly very thankful that we are able to communicate so well and be able to send pictures all the time.
This morning Kiwa was supposed to take me to school at 11 and then come back for Vickie and Sara because you can't fit three on a Boda. He came 15 minutes early and I wasn't ready so I asked him to wait 15 minutes and I will be ready. He left. Almost an hour later still no Kiwa and his phone was conveniently off so we just walked up to the main road and got two other Bodas and went to school! Later we found out that Kiwa thought I said 50 minutes. So now I seriously have to pick up the pace on learning Luganda.
Every Friday at noon at school is JESUS TIME. :) I was in the room with all of the older kids and it was so nice to watch them, I never have before. I should have filmed the whole thing, I think next time I will try to because I really enjoyed it. Praying, singing, and learning, all done with their hands. I like to watch them pray, they close their eyes and you can watch their facial expression as they go along. They sign everything of course, its just really cool. God is so good and me being me I just really loved all of it.
Some of the kids came up in front and gave their testimony. One of the boys was talking about how he thanks God very much that the water at BDI has been turned back on. For the past few or more days it has been shut off and they were having to walk very far multiple times a day to get water. It was very nice when they started the songs because all the kids kept a beat with their feet and the motion of their bodies and would sign and then some of the teachers were signing. I think all Africans can sing good..
Other than that it was a pretty quiet day at school. There was lots of coloring, crossword puzzles, and hand clapping games going on.
There is a girl, I don't know her name, but she is so sweet, so gentle, and calm all the time. I think she has some form of mental disability but I am not sure what. She is so beautiful. At one point we just held on to each other for maybe ten minuets, her arms wrapped around my waist and mine wrapped around her. I love her. I love them all. I thank God for loving me through them.
After school I came home, ate a little cereal out of my coffee cup and cleaned my floors. Vickie and Sara had gone to Kampala earlier and when they came back Vickie brought me a little piece of some chocolate cake. It was very good!
After that I did my therapy, ate dinner, and had the best laughs with Vickie, Sara, and little Rapha (the boy who comes over to play). Vickie is seriously so funny and a joy to be around. I thank God for her, if she wasn't here I think I would have a little hard time being here alone.
I just got done Skying with my family. Almost all of my siblings are over at my mothers house hanging out until fire works tonight!! All my nieces and nephews are there, and it was so good to talk to everyone.
It is now 3:30 am.
Kitiibwa teaching about following Gods commands.
"You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14
Collins, a hearing Ugandan volunteer holding the cooks baby.
Leticia :)
Look at those big light brown eyes!

Had to represent the U.S. somehow. Happy Independence Day America!
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