Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hello Tuesday.

I woke up this morning at eight, talked to Vickie, and we both decided we will go to school around eleven or twelve. She has been having a lot of pain in her back and I was so very tired from staying up that night. So, following her motherly orders I went back to sleep and woke up at 11:40 and got ready to go to the school.

We got to school finally but I asked our driver Kiwa to take me to Kampala to a certain book store so I can get a Daily Missal so as to follow along with Mass because its in Luganda. 

Not to far from my house is the Church I go to and everyday they have Mass in the morning at 7. In America I would do my best to attend daily Mass. Why? Because well, what better way to start your day than starting it with Jesus! I can't be here without receiving His love, grace, and strength everyday. Of course through prayer everyday I can receive His graces and love, but why not go further and deeper and receive His body and blood everyday? Matthew 26.

After a long time of driving around and asking for directions to this book store we found it and I got the book! So about an hour and a half later I'm back at school! :)

I love being there. The kids are just so wonderful and happy. Always hugging you and holding your hand, just wanting someones attention. 

There was a problem today with the charcoal again. I'm not entirely sure what happened but all I know is the kids didn't eat breakfast and they had lunch a little after four o'clock. Although they were all hungry it didn't stop them from being joyful and playing. Yes, some were more tired from being hungry, but most of them were happy and enjoying playing soccer. 

That's life though. Sometimes its rough and I believe you can't be serious all the time. I can really learn a lot from these kids. They are sometimes tired and hungry, sick and hurting, away from their families or rejected by them, but they still manage to be goofy and smile. 

Joel is the best example of this I think. He is so very funny and joking most of the time! He has so many worries and things to do and is always trying to make the children's lives better. But he tries not to let that bring him down. He told me one time that you can't be so serious all the time. Especially being here in Uganda, you must learn to laugh at life's problems and choose to be happy and loving or else you will die. But when it comes down to business and important matters, he becomes very serious. 

Today at school Joel and I were laughing and just being silly but it all stops when its time to talk about the children and Jesus, and that's what I love. The joking immediately shuts down and the wisdom and truth start to pour out of his mouth. Truly, our talk today was so necessary and very reassuring. 

His faith is strong. With everything he has to think about and with trying to figure out how to build a new school he knows that God is completely in control. Now matter how many plans we make and things we try to get in order, if its not Our Lords Will its not going to happen. 

The main thing that Joel wanted to tell me is to stop asking him for permission. "Stop asking me and stop asking Vickie." He tells me that I need to ask God's permission, ask God what He wants me to do and how He wants me to do it. Joel only wants to be informed of what God has asked me to do. Joel sees my lack of confidence and I didn't even know it was showing. He just kept telling me to stop asking him for permission and stop holding back when I know I should change something or do something that I know is right. 

In short that was our conversation. He really reassured me in a different, more spiritual way. Really making it clear to trust in God and to keep asking Him what I should do about this, or that, how He wants me to carry out this, etc. So yeah, that was awesome. 

When Vickie and I got home after school we sat on my apartment floor, she had her tea and I had my coffee, and we shared some popcorn that Rebecca brought us. For around four hours I think we talked about life and just many different things. It was really great to have a more personal conversation with her. I learned a lot. She is such a beautiful person and sometimes I don't know if she realizes that.

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