Hi my name is Kooga and I am 13 years old. In 2010 Joel found me, I was 9, and had never had a language or any form of education. Coming from a very poor family where my parents were not able to provide basic needs for me, education has always been out of the picture. Joel offered to take me in and provide boarding and an education for free. Although coming from a very poor family has always been a struggle, I am very lucky to have parents who love and care for me. I have never been rejected or abused by them and they have always accepted my deafness. Academically I am average but for coming to school so late I am doing very well and work hard in my studies. One thing I love is fashion. I am always helping the other kids get dressed, changing their outfits, and helping to make them look nice.

Hello! My name is Alex and I am 14 years old. My home is in Paidha located in Northern Uganda. I come from a Catholic family who live in grass and mud huts. I am lucky to have parents who love me but as I got older I was becoming more stubborn and having no language or communication with my parents make things hard. Out of the 250 deaf in Northern Uganda I was one of the lucky five that Joel was able to take back to BDI in 2011 to give us an education and grow spiritually.
Since I have been at BDI I have changed a lot for the better. I now have a language and I am getting an education. I dream of being a teacher for the deaf. Although academically I need to improve, I have a desire to learn and I do try in school. I am always more shy and reserved, not as outgoing as some of the other kids. I usually just sit back and watch when games are being played. Its hard to get a picture of me sometimes, but when I open up I am very funny and joyful. I seem to always have a smile on my face.
Kooga and Alex along with all of Boanerges Deaf Initiative need your support. If you feel called to sponsor one of these children please go to http://www.boanergesdeafinitiative.org/apps/donations/. You will also be able to be in contact with the child you sponsor through letters, emails, and more. If you have any questions please contact me through email at rannah_banana@yahoo.com.
Come and help change the lives of these children and watch how they will change yours!
Thank you and God bless!
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